Monday, June 2, 2014

Be Crazy, Be You!

"There are moments when you must be prepared to take a risk to do something crazy!" - Paulo Coelho

2008, one of my friend invited me to join him on a meet up. Most of its participants are entrepreneur. My friend told me that this meeting was such of regular meeting and  during the meet up each participant had to share their story; their dream, their purpose of life, and of course their success story. Yet, anyone who looks for advice is welcome.

And, the story began!

It was eight people, including me. We sat on a circle, there are lotta food in front of us but seems like no one interest on those foods. Instead, most of them such more interest to talk to others, to share their story. For me, it made bored yet curious! I wonder why everyone looks so serious. No one made a joke. Well, actually there’s a man who tried to make a joke. Unfortunately, no one laugh. What a pity!!

Then I started thinking, what happened with these people? Don’t they know what fun and happiness mean? Do they feel happy with their live?
Well, don't blame me then if I jumped into conclusion that happiness no longer belong to them. 

Later on, the early 40's year old man started talking. He was opening the meeting. Told us about the rule and he led us to make such of vow. Once we done with it, he pointed another participant to tell us about his business progress. It happened until no one left, everyone had their time to speak, to told their story, except me!

Don't ask me what I did at that time. I was busy enjoying their story, even to be truth; I can't stop my mind to keep asking the same question, "Did they happy with their life? What happiness meant to them?"

Of course I didn't tell them about that. I just keep it on my mind.

I was so quiet until someone asked me in sudden

"What your purpose of life, Deedee? Do you have any specific plan on your 20's? Don't you have something that you have to achieve before you getting older, before you step your 30's?"

It shocked me!! 

Okay, I knew that someone will realize that there’s me on that room, but I never thought that I’ll get that question. However, that question sounds bit rude for me. But then, in the name of being polite, rather than got temper, I gave them my best smile ;) (my grandpa said that the best smile that I have could make boys out there melted! Geez!)

I look at my friend; asked him for help. Unfortunately, he didn't realize it. However, I have to answer that question, at least..

"My life's purpose is being happy, anytime-anywhere-in any situation. I never make any plan in my life since I'm such of spontaneous person. Yet, I believe that God Almighty knows better what I need in my life. And once He thought that I need something in a precious time, He always made the universe conspire to make it happened for me. So, why should I worry if I know that God Almighty always taking care of me? But, if you really wanna know what I want in life, simply, I just wanna traveling a lot, paid and to be paid for it. Yet, I wanna doing something in the name of humanity during my trip. Nothing less nothing more, as simple as that,"

None of them said anything after all. They just stared at me. I am sure they started thinking that I'm such crazy, irresponsible, and have no "bright" future life. Whatever!

"Sound crazy yet unreliable. Who will pay for your trip? And why they have to pay you for doing that? As a businessman, I think no one will interest to invest their money on you. Sorry to say, but that's the fact,"

I didn't remember that man's name. But my friend told me that his business growth well and he was on his way to expand his business. Above at all, my friend just chose him as his benchmark.


"Well, I don't know how and when. I don't really care whenever God Almighty will make it happen or whether He'll make it happen or not. But, I am sure, there must be a way out to make it real. It’s about time. I always believe that there's must be miracle. All we need just a belief that God Almighty will make it happen in real, if He think I worth enough to get that opportunity and I believe He will make it for me. Otherwise, I am sure He’ll give me much better than I asked to Him. But don't ask me how and when, let's make it as a surprise," I responded that man. 

No one respond it and I knew that might be happened. I don't care!

Time goes fly and I even didn’t remember about those statement, not at all. Things didn’t go as I thought but above at all, I have a happy life. I might have no frequent traveling as I wish, but I keep my belief that someday, there must be a way to make it happen.

Day by day, I posted a lot of interesting pictures, mostly about places that I want to visit. Till then I realized that there’s no space in my wall to posted more pictures. And when it happened, the universe conspired to make it real.

It started with the opportunity to move to Ubud, Bali in 2010. Work for the well-known international literature festival in Indonesia which gave me an opportunity to work in multicultural office. It shocked me for sure. Yet, it’s too fancy for me! But, how can I avoid Ubud? No one doubt that Ubud is so wonderful place to live and I posted it on my wall.

Seems like universe keep working on my side. Once I finished with this project, the universe then flew me to Bandung, I had to work with social entrepreneur within Indonesia and most of them still under 25 years old! Good thing from this job was the opportunity to frequent traveling within Indonesia. Yeah, it happened because one of my responsibility was to find youth social entrepreneurs across the country. What a lucky!

Luck then become my middle name. A year later, the universe brought me to Sumatera Island. Another project which offering frequent travel came to me in sudden. All I have to do is to educate people in 5 coastal areas in Sumatera; Padang, Bengkulu, Aceh, Nias and Mentawai Island about disaster risk reduction. What  a surprise!

Yes, I was thinking to go to Aceh after the tsunami. I was keen to apply as a volunteer at that time but unfortunately none interest to brought me as their time. In fact, I ended up spent my time watching my television to kept update with the latest news. Similar thing happened when earthquake hit Padang in 2009. I was ready to apply to be a volunteer but I can't found any organization who interest to brought me in as their team.

So yeah, once this opportunity came to me, it's such of dream come true for me.

The funniest thing happened last year, I met the man who said that my dream is impossible. Yes, I met him by chance once I spent my "me-time" in one of famous park in my city. It surprised me he still remember me and my "dream". In fact, he asked whether it came true or not and it's ended up with 3 hours chit-chat time. I told him the whole story and at the en he just said, 

"You're insane!! I thought you never made it! I thought you'll give up at the day I said that it's impossible. Instead, you made it! you prove it that I am wrong, that there's always possibility. You're rock!"
"You know what?" he continued "Sometimes all we need a brave and bit of insanity. The day I told you that you're dream wasn't make sense, it's not because I underestimate you. To be honest, it because I had the same dream as yours but unfortunately I didn't have your insanity. I am not that brave to brake the rules. I have to settled, especially in finance issue. I am sure that you must thinking that I am a jerk! I am so sorry, but I do really adore you for that matter! just keep it with you! I am sure there's lotta person who jealous on you, trust

To be honest, it made me speechless. Instead of gave him response, I grinned to him..

ps: I wonder which part of the world that universe will bring to me for my next journey.. whenever is it, I am sure that there's must be lotta happiness, joyful, and insights for me :)

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